The flipped classroom has been gaining buzz in educational circles. Through the use of video lecture, direct instruction is taken out of the classroom, freeing up class time for teachers to implement a variety of activities and spend more time one on one with students. This course, designed by a teacher who has been teaching flipped classroom professional development for years, will show you how to start flipping your next lesson, unit, or entire course! In addition to all of the information provided, upon completion, you will receive a copy of Flipping History: How to start Flipping Your Classroom Today! This how-to guide will serve as a quick reference (regardless of your subject area) as you complete the course and begin your flip.
Your Instructor
Elizabeth is a high school history teacher with a passion for educational technology and student centered learning. She has worked with grades 6-11 and in both Special Education and General Education. She holds Master's degrees in both Communication and Secondary Education. In addition to teaching, she is the founder of Penny University Press and Educational Services which provides professional development workshops and curriculum materials to educators.